Last weekend the final of the Swiss World Championship qualification took place in Münsingen. In this, the last places for the team as well as all individual places were decided. We have listed all the members which will be a part of the team in Belgium below. The qualification for the European Open takes place separately in Switzerland.
Hans Hänny with Light (Individual and Team)
Silvan Zumthurm with Zeven (Individual and Team)
Patrick Ernst with Fellow (Individual)
Tanja Fähndrich with Lycan (Individual)
Yannick Boutellier with Taff (Team)
Olivia Matter with Choose (Team)
Petra Häusermann with Hope (Individual and Team)
Claudia Schwab with Sia (Individual and Team)
Jessica Thomas with Hywee (Team)
Martin Brunner with Fiona (Team)
Marco Brandenberger with Less (Reserve)
Astrid Rellstab with Misty Cat (Reserve)
Silvan Zumthurm with Nigel (Individual and Team)
André Mühlebach with Cinnamon (Individual and Team)
Aurore Brelot with Okinawa (Individual)
Christine Chalançon with R’n’B (Team)
Michael Schwager with Gattlin (Reserve)
Laure Jaquinet with Oz (Reserve)
Sandra Inglin with Piip (Individual and Team)
Flurina Mühlebach with Fine (Individual and Team)
Brigitte Braun with Joy (Individual and Team)
Corinne Gysin with Hakuna Matata (Team)
Claudia Schwab with Ellie (Reserve)
Nadja Wigger with Torry (Reserve)