Place: Fräschels, Switzerland
Date: 01.11-03.11.201
Live Results
Medium (Full results)
Stephanie Hundt with Navy
Brenda Benatti with Fast
Maurice Münch with Twix
Small (Full results)
Enya Habel with Party
Claudia Schwab with Mitch
Pauline Mignot with Mag
Medium Junior (Full results)
Rahel Wüthrich with Soon
Caroline Leboucq with Lexane
Michala Malá with Wonder
Small Junior (Full results)
Bernadette Parotte with Quiz
Jessica Pätzold with Jeannie
Sheryl Gaub with Scape
Team Medium (Full results)
F. Mühlebach, M. Korrodi, S. Lanari, S. Zumthurm
P. Jenn, G. Nove-Jos, L. Crestey, A. Caclin
C. Cailler, A. Sansonnen, C. Golay, M. Savarino
Team Small (Full Results)
L. Barlassina, F. Militto, M. Marchetti, S. Berti
L. Crestey, E. Revil, S. Venat, C. Adyns
J. Tambjerg, G. Hoffmeister, E. Jenny-Helfenstein
Team Medium junior (Full Results)
S. Kohler, S. Vadagnin, G. Kerkhoffs, M. Malá
J. Gloor, R. Küffer, M. Steiner, R. Wüthrich
L. Wintersdorf, M. Berner, S. Jaberg, M. Lessure
Team Small junior (Full results)
N. Seuré, J. Schumacher, S. Gaub, V. Gindt
P. Schütz, L. Müller, C. Gross, E. Kirchdorfer
P. Reichetzer, N. Spengler, C. Hotz,O. Santin Blanco