Large (full results)
Roman Lukac with Metaxa
Lena Nikou with Sorella
Teresa Berndt with Keep
Intermediate (full results)
Ola Kłobukowska with Yuca
Iwona Golab with SeeYa
Ola Gronek with Heya
Medium (full results)
Aneta Obrusníkova with Chilli
Aneta Obrusníkova with Arrya
Toomas Pent with Mürru
Small (full results)
Hana Mala with Ziggy
Franziska Arndt with Yuca
Denisa Lajmarova with Rally
Extra Small (full results)
Anna Kalinina with Chaos
Dominika Gawińska with Verti
Luiza Rębkowska with Leluś