Norwegian Open

Results Norwegian Open 2024

Extra Large (full results)
gold Cecilia Klingberg with Ike
silver Fanny Gott with Fleet
bronze Nikola Banotová with Tuli

Large (full results)
gold Christiane Fischbach with Salt
silver Ariane Wieber with Zola
bronze Svetlana Kreslina with Dance

Medium (full results)
gold Aneta Obrusníková with Chilli
silver Maria Ljungdahl with Bojan
bronze Aneta Obrusníková with Ollie

Small (full results)
gold Annelie Hermansson with Emmi
silver Elin Bergendahl with Clay
bronze Jemina Sakomaa with Mensa

XS (full results)
gold Paula Lohiniva with Esme
silver Benedicte Grasli with Saga
bronze Christina Victoria Brokerud with Ariel


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