A few days ago the organizers and hall operators of the Agilityhalle Hundesportwelt in Hemsbach announced that the Pokalmeisterschaft will not take place this year either. The Covid-19 situation and the restrictions of the German government simply do not allow such an event at the moment.
Since the near future is also very uncertain, it was decided on January 27th against a postponement in the same year. In return the three planned judges will stay for the 2022 edition. Zsofi Biro, Mark Fonteijn and Marcus Münch were invited. The winners of the first edition of the tournament in 2020 are Christiane Fischbach with Jive in the Large category and Silas Boogk won the Medium tournament and the Small tournament with Beam and Gadget.
Registration: Pokalmeisterschaft 2022
29. – 30. January 2022
Mark Fonteijn
Zsofi Biro
Marcus Münch
Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CKjarzdBKaz/?utm_source=ig_embed