The operators of the Agility Halle Hundesportwelt in Hemsbach have announced a new tournament during the winter season. The tournament is called “Pokalmeisterschaft” is open to grade 3 teams from Germany and abroad. In total, prize money of 3,900 euros will be distributed. The winner of every size class receives 1,000 euros, the second place winner 200 euros and third place 100 euros. That fact should make the tournament also interesting for international teams with a longer way to the tournament.
The two-day tournament is scheduled from February 29th to March 1st. As judge were the experienced Mirja Lapanja from Slovenia and the young Daniel Walz from Germany hired. The format is based on the Amadeus Cup in Salzburg with qualifying runs and afterwards the finals in the KO system or colloquially also called American mode. All other information about the tournament can be found on the organizer’s homepage.