JOAWC 2021

Junior Open Agility World Championship 2021 with a one-time Corona exemption

The organizers of the Junior Open Agility World Championship 2021 have announced that teams born in 2002 will also be allowed to start next year. In other words, teams that are actually one year too old to participate in the Junior World Championships according to the rules. The reason for the one-time change is the cancellation of last year’s event in Finland due to the Covid-19 pandemic. So that these additional teams do not take starting places away from the contingents of the nations, those born in 2002 do not count towards the limit nations have. The information has not yet been confirmed by the FCI, but according to the information we have, this should only be a matter of form and will happen in the next few days.

Traditionally, the teams that reach the 18th birthday in the same year as the Junior Open Agility World Championship (formerly Junior European Open) is held, are bid farewell with a small ceremony and a certificate at the end of the tournament. Therefore, various nations and organizations including us have requested this step following the cancellation of the Junior Open Agility World Championship in Finland. The FCI has now made this humane and welcome decision. The tournament will take place next year in Abrantes, Portugal, and will open the three-week Agility party with the JOAWC, the European Open, and the Border Collie Classics.



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