The majority visited by Swedish, Gasahoppet 2019, which takes place traditionally on the Easter weekend is already history. Except the reigning Small World Champion Natasha Gjerulff Jensen with Moviestar from Denmark, all podiums were completely immersed in Swedish colors. Jenny Damm, who already won the Swedish Open 2019 a few weeks ago, was again on the podium. But not at the top this time, after a time-consuming fault. Instead, Emma Nilsson with Gaupa secures the title ahead of Malin Simson with Koss. We have listed and linked the videos to the VODs of the livestreams below.
Extra Large (FCI)
Emma Nilsson with Gaupa
Malin Simson with Koss
Jenny Damm with Lilli
Camilla Jakobsson with Ru
Fanny Gott with Bud
Anna Strandkvist with Filur
Medium (FCI)
Gabriella Hennings with Elvis
Emmelie Vestlund Elf with Zelda
Athina Remneman with Gin
Small (FCI)
Natasha Petrine Gjerulff Jensen with Moviestar
Fiona Lövdinger with Ella
Anna Käll with Majestic Mei
Extra Small
Fiona Lövdinger with Lilja
Maria Aronsson with Tyson
Camilla Hildingsson with Raker