After a successful GALICUP 2018, the organizers around the Spanish equipment manufacturer Galican decided to held another tournament in 2019. This years event takes place again as part of the Pirineos Dog Festival. In addition to the Agility tournament, there will be an Obedience Cup, a Canicross competition and various courses and demonstrations. The Pirineos Dog Festival is organized by the Spanish L’Almozara Dog Club. With over 100 members, it is one of the largest clubs in Spanish dog sports. The location will be again the Polideportivo Municipal de Biescas. The village of Biescas is located in northern Spain in the Pyrenees close to the French border. Around 300 kilometers distance from Toulouse.
The GALICUP includes a team competition and an individual competition. The event is rounded off by a Tunnel Cup and a normal official Competition. As in the previous year, international judges will be there again this year. Jan Egil Eide from Norway, Philipp Müller-Schnick from Germany and this year’s World Cup judge Sari Mikkilä from Finland. The Pirineos Dog Festival lasts from 23 August to 1st September. The GALICUP itself takes place from August 29th to September 1st.
Sari Mikkilä
Philipp Müller Schnick
Jan Egil Eide