The board of the Finnish Agility Association has decided to cancel the Finnish Agility championships, the JSP 2020 competition and the GAMES championships this year. The Executive Board decided this without the influence of government regulations. State restrictions in Finland are also among the more stringent, but according to the latest status, it would actually be possible to restart tournaments from May 31. Despite possible easing, the Finnish government also advises caution and the isolation should continue as far as possible. The only exception is the qualification for the Finnish national team for the Agility World Championship in neighboring Estonia. If the World Championship takes place as planned, the option to held the qualify in August is kept open.
Although some of the canceled major events are still a long way off, one would like to take the uncertainty factor into account. Short-term cancellations would have major financial repercussions for the organizers and it would be also a risk for all helping people. The Association has also announced the cancellation of the spring meeting of the Finnish Agility Association, which was supposed to take place on June 14, 2020. A derogation from the Finnish Olympic Committee allows the conference to be postponed in times of a pandemic.