European Open 2024

European Open 2024: Individual finalists Small

Qualified teams for the Small Individual final:

brazil Renan Campos with Ice (Country Wildcard)
canada Stephanie Taillefer with Elsa (Country Wildcard)
(Ireland) Bronagh Walsh with Zeus (Country Wildcard)
japan Eri Kinomoto with Makana (Country Wildcard)
(Singapore) Ween Sze Teoh with Loki (Country Wildcard)
hungary Marietta Dr. Görög with Blucsi (Country Wildcard)
switzerland Tatjana Dim with Minnie Pooh (Country Wildcard)
denmark Claus Andersen with Dea (Country Wildcard)
austria Sophie Rosenberger with Light
belgium Sarah Tournel with Free
norway Ina Himle with Jet
austria Christina Kleinrubatscher with Iggy
belgium Elke Mauws with Emira
norway Elin Bergendahl Grønås with Clay
france Franck Barget with Sundae
czechia Sofie Sůrová with Izí
austria Sarah Aichholzer with Sugar
norway Eli Beate Sæther with Xera
finland Assi Rapeli with Ninni
slovakia Pavol Vakonič with Meryl
germany Carina Steinmetz with Chip
netherlands Marc Valk with Jiro
czechia Klára Válková with Grace
usa Laura Dolan with Pre
spain Samuel Sanchez with Taxi
france Maxime Parraud with Cute
usa Han Yu with Skye
germany Silas Boogk with Gadget
finland Saara Kemppi with Raimo
unitedkingdom Jo Gleed with Sinner
belgium Rebekka De Backer with Kiki
sweden Enya Habel with Party
norway Kjersti Jørgensen with Agi
spain Pau Serrano with Adrenalina
germany Nadine Hartlieb with Pebbles
czechia Hana Frimelová with Bio
germany Max Sprinz with Make
poland Magdalena Ziolkowska with Mazzi
czechia Alena Divišová with Gia
germany Maurice Münch with Swoosh
slovakia Pavol Vakonič with Ariva
sweden Aurora Hultqvist with Bixi
poland Paulina Duda with Huzi
italy Cecilia Fortini with Lagertha
unitedkingdom Martin Reid with Selfie

This list is also the starting order for the Individual Final Jumping tomorrow.

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