European Open 2024

European Open 2024: Individual finalists Intermediate

Qualified teams for the Intermediate Individual final:

canada Angela McRae with Eugene (Country Wildcard)
croatia Maja Leskovar with Deetwo (Country Wildcard)
(Singapore) Elsa Soo with Venus (Country Wildcard)
(Ireland) Dawn Greer with Wow (Country Wildcard)
slovenia Matej Čuček with Ninja (Country Wildcard)
denmark Carina De Silva with Lux (Country Wildcard)
luxembourg Dan Volz with Soul (Country Wildcard)
netherlands Wendy Willemse with Q (Country Wildcard)
czechia Lucie Růžičková with Brilley
norway Ingeborg Eugenie Blakkisrud with Iza
italy Stefano Martelli with Petra
unitedkingdom Steven Richardson with Gamble
unitedkingdom Rachael Gilmour with Tantrum
sweden Sandra Sjöberg with Hennie
norway Trine Thorkildsen with Shady
spain Iban Cubedo with Selene
hungary Zsófi Tálasi with Dina
czechia Zuzana Kubánková with Tajenka
usa Chris Tucci with Serengeti Moremi
usa Emily Klarman with Vanish
finland Christa Saksa with Pipa
germany Anne Lenz with Itzi
unitedkingdom Lee Gibson with Star
italy Simone Sanna with Eterna
finland Tanja Kurikka with Pupu
france Yoann Bages with Plexie
austria Nadine Kohl with Quinn
italy Federica Grilli with Gina
lithuania Gerda Zemaityte with Lee
belgium Marine Tonglet with Rine
finland Anna Maria Orenius with Kaja
sweden Fanny Häggström with Ada
finland Juha Orenius with Hera
poland Iwona Golab with Seeya
sweden Jenny Damm with Zonia
czechia Tereza Králová with Nissa
unitedkingdom Marita Ogilvie with Cicada
belgium Michele Pauwels with Nica
france Michelle Antoni with Razz
usa Bob Daigle with Blew Bayou
switzerland Martin Brunner with Fiona
germany Ariane Wieber with Zola
unitedkingdom Euan Paterson with Crazee
france Sebastien Allerme with Shy’m
unitedkingdom Dalton Meredith with Clippy

This list is also the starting order for the Individual Final Jumping tomorrow.

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