The cancellation of the Agility World Championship 2021 in Tallinn, Estonia last week was foreseeable according to the current pandemic situation with the Covid-19 virus. In addition to a majority understanding of the decision, there are also voices who, of course, look back wistfully at the lost time. Two years is a long time in a short dog’s life. Naturally and understandably some of the comments are correspondingly emotional. Overall, there was almost no criticism of the decision itself. We have summarized some comments for you which symbolize the vast majority.
Jan Egil Eide (planned AWC 2021 Judge)
AWC 2021 cancelled. Not what we wanted, not a surprise and of course the only right decision. Thanks to Estonia for trying, and trying again. Lets hope the world will heal and that all of us can look forward to normal conditions in 2022, with amazing dogs and happy people at AWC 2022. So much to look forward to.
Tereza Pospěchová Králová
Feeling devastated. Two last possibly competitive seasons of my one in a million dog being fuc*ed up by Covid…. wish it was just a nigtmare.
Manca Mikec
Such a terrible situation for all. I am sorry for all the hard work the organizers have put into it and I sincerely hope we can all come one day to Estonia for AWC! Take care!
Tamas Traj
AWC 2021 is officially cancelled. I’m sad, but no surprise. There are still thousands of other adventures what we can enjoy with our dogs, let’s focus on that and make plans. And let’s hope AWC will be held next year again!
So sad for the potential competitors as well as the Estonian AWC organization. I’m sure it would have been a great event!
Ina Himle
I think there is one sentence I will get mad if anyone will say to me again, a sentence I already hate but have heard to many times! AWC 2018: Wii are brilliant and won the jumping course, a bit of unluck made me fall in the agility run and Wii got a little unsure…. bad luck and shit happens in agility. Everyone saying: “you will get a new chance next year”, “next year will be yours”.Next year came and we had been preparing SOO GOOD! I was in good shape and my ONCE IN A LIFETIME DOG was as good prepared as he could! A few days before we should leave for AWC they decided that Norway would not go because of a bacteria that exists everywhere… I still think this is the most idiot decisions made ever (sorry if I step in anyone’s toes)“Next year will be yours to shine” Next year came and we have a crazy pandemic going on. AWC cancelled again (of course this time) “At least you will be able next year”. AWC 2021 cancelled (also understandable). NO THERE IS NO SUCH A THING AS “next year”, so STOP saying this! There is no guarantee for anything in life!Next year Wii will be 8 years and his best years have flew away. My dream is still to be at only one more world championship, but we will see… maybe the world has other plans!!! And many other legends in the agility world that suddenly have ran their last AWC!
Dave Munnings
Looks like AWC cancelled for the 2nd year running. Kinda knew this was going to happen and I think it’s the right thing to do but I still feel sorry for people with dogs in their prime.