European Open 2024

Change in the judge lineup of the European Open 2024

The English Kennel Club has announced that Dave Jolly has withdrawn as judge of the European Open 2024 for personal reasons. He should have been in action next year together with Martin Cavill, Daniel Waltz, Reetta Pirttikoski and Sascha Grunder in the English Southam. This as one of two national judges nominated by the English association. Due to the newly introduced Intermediate class, the gap will now be filled by two judges. Nic Jones and Neil Ellis have been nominated by “The Kennel Club”. Both have already accepted and confirmed their participation. If the FCI confirms the two replacements as well, the judge lineup for the European Open 2024 will be fixed.

Judges for European Open 2024
unitedkingdom Martin Cavill
germany Daniel Waltz
finland Reetta Pirttikoski
switzerland Sascha Grunder
unitedkingdom Nic Jones
unitedkingdom Neil Ellis

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  1. Jutta Nedorn says:

    when can we see the list of the competitors?

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