Today, one week ago, the Agility World Championship 2018 started in Sweden. A week later, many of the athletes have reviewed their thoughts, emotions and even some sad moments on various platforms. Therefore, we do not want to lose too many words and leave the stage to the actors.
Nicola Giraudi, Eira (World Champion 2018, Large Individual) – Facebook
24 hours later… so this incredibile AWC has come to an end and yes, something amazing happened. Eira was in the best possible shape and we managed 3/4 clears, winning all of them!!! This is far beyond what I had ever dreamed of! Team jumping was also a team victory thanks to my amazing teammates Alberto Bergamasco, Valentina Bustreo and Sara Penazzato, 4 clears and we got the first place!
The individual runs were just a thrill! Very fast courses, Eira was on fire, I felt like having a shark chasing me through the course!
I’m so amazed! WORLD CHAMPION!! For the second time, second dog and different height! Winning both rounds! It’s hard to believe it’s true… but Eira is such a special girl ?
We’ve got our little records, but most of all we’ve got our special bond.
Agility has become such a high level sport… nothing can be forgotten, dog training, dog fitness, mental preparation and handler fitness.
I want to thank everyone involved in this amazing success, beginning with Chiara
, who supports me and suffers from the stands, all the ENCI staff, Omar, Carlo Marcato, Antonella, Francesca and Gianluca, Rita our amazing physio, the whole team, all the people cheering for us in the final run, I felt your energy and we ran even faster!
Special thanks to Francesco Frenguelli, whose silent work has helped me be in the best shape and get my legs going fast enough to keep up with Eira, Paola Pepe our osteo, my vet Dr. Gilardoni, my sponsors PetEat and Iron Dogline, our #bananateam friends Carlo Fazio and Ilaria Raylynn Giubellini, you’re like family to me.
Thanks to Galican Jaime Otero Boquete for letting us run on the best obstacles.
Thanks to everyone cheering for us from the stands and from home, thanks Italy, I felt a whole nation pushing me forward ?❤️
I’m sure I’m forgetting someone here but in my heart I don’t! Thanks guys ?
Congrats to my “podium partners” Anne Lenz and Dave Munnings, amazing job out there guys, so happy to share this with you!
Now a little rest then off to the Norwegian Open.
See you all again in Finland ??
Martina Magnoli Klimesova, Kiki (World Champion 2018, Medium Individual) – Facebook
We are almost home after a very long journey. I have a lot of time to think about everything (so my post will be little bit longer
🙂) and I finally understand that it is not just a dream …Thank you all for the nice words!
It looks my dogs made a contract this year “we are going to touch Martina to the heart”. First it was Wifi on the Czech Championship and just little bit later Kiki at the AWC.
So yes, after Kiki finished her agility individual run I was really impressed. Not so much with the result first because that I did not understand at the moment but with the fact “how she ran”. It reminded me the EO in Germany when she was fighting with the sand in the final like a lion. I do not know exactly how it works – if she feels it is very important run for me or if she feels my concentration and energy and she simply copies me…. anyhow, the most important was that she was running over her limits again and she did it for me. And that took my heart once again. In the end it was even gold medal but the fact “she did it for me” is simply amazing! The relationship we can have with our dogs is the most beautiful thing. Maybe you will not believe it but “to win” was never my goal. My goal was and still is to have a lot of as fast as possible clean runs. The results depend on a lot of other things for example you need a little bit of luck… so not always you can have a medal after a very nice performance but you can be always rewarded with that special “feeling”. For this “feeling” you do not need luck. You need to have a very strong relationship with your dog and you need to give everything to your training.
I would never talk or write in a bad way about my husband, child or dogs. Because I love them without conditions. My dogs are very different but I love them all and I love them as they are. I was told “Kiki is too small she will not be fast enough”. But I saw it in this way: “oh she is so cute!”. I would not be happy if Kiki is bigger because then it would not be my cute Kiki. And yes, Kiki was the most shy puppy I ever have met in my life. But even that was just perfect for me! Thanks to that she got so fast so close to me. She decided I am her everything in 3 hours! If she would not be so shy it would not be possible… and if she would be bigger and “I am never scared” dog I would love her as well. I hope you understand what I mean – I love my dogs as they are and I do not want to change anything. Thank you Boglar Medgyesi-toth for my amazing princess!
I think the performance which Kiki showed in Sunday’s final was incredible. 10,5 years old dog was running like crazy. I always give special care to my dogs and mudi is a special breed as well. But last year I felt Kiki was slowing down and she was not in perfect shape anymore. Who knows me knows what happens when I want something. I am really stubborn🙂 And I wanted to run more with my super princess. I did not want to accept the fact she is getting older. Not because of “I need to win” but because of that special feeling after a run. I knew my only chance is to add something more to my “fit program”. Thank you so much Veronika Gesierichová for sharing with me your ideas! Thanks to you I was able to see the things from other perspective. And of course thank you for taking care of our dogs!
If you are interested what everything I do for “keeping my dogs in super shape” I have good news for you. With Debora Severo I will open our “Fit fun class” for dogs in December again. More informations next week!
Kiki is the one part of our team (the most important of course🙂) but the advantages of our team is even my own speed. I like to run fast it makes me happy and of course it makes our performance easier. But this year I had less fun with my running because I had some problems with my muscles. Huge thank to Debora Severo for helping me! I felt hopeless after the doctors did not help me …. and again, like a lot of years ago when you helped me with my knee which is not painful anymore, you treated me so well so I could run without any pain and you even found out the reason of my pain! Thank you Debora! You are amazing!
I think in agility it is impossible to say “who is the best”. There are a lot of really good teams and then it is just about a bit of luck. But I think I may write that one of the best (and the most beautiful🙂
🙂) medium team is our Czech team. We are able to show our quality on AWC and EO as well, year after year. We already won two gold medals and two silver on AWC, we won a lot of times EO qualifications and I am not able to count how many times we won the Czech Championship. Again I think the most important is that we are really TEAM. We are able to connect very strong and run TOGETHER. Thank you Eliška Kaletová, Radka Mokrišová and Eva Maděrová for another amazing experience!
The most important thanks I kept for the end. There is one person who helps me in a lot of ways, one person “behind the scene”… one person who has a special type of a humor which relax me even I am very nervous. One person who is driving kilometres and kilometres while I can take rest, one person who prepares awesome courses for my trainings, one person with whom I can talk about different topics, one person I can trust….and much more. Thank you Carlo Magnoli I think you know it is OUR success.
Dave Munnings, Fame (Third place, Large Individual) – Facebook
Long post alert I’m afraid!
I literally couldn’t be happier…..Famous Louise winning a bronze medal at the world championships!!! She was amazing and perfect and didn’t put a foot wrong so to me it feels like we won the gold ?. This dog is perfect in every way with or without medals, but winning a medal is something so special that few dogs ever achieve I can’t believe she has done it for me, Fame you are 1 in a million and always will be to me ?
My 3rd dog to stand on the individual podium with, Billy bronze in 2005, Dobby Silver in 2010 and now Fame Bronze in 2018…….I just can’t believe it and feel so honoured to have had such amazing agility partners to share these moments with.
So now to thank people:
Dan Shaw of course for always being there to support me, train with me and listen to me whinge and stress and everything else… are so lucky to have me that I think it’s worth it ?
Brenda Bulmer for lots of things but especially for looking after my other dogs when I’m away at these events, I could NOT do it without you, knowing they are safe and happy means I can focus on what I need to do.
Siân Illingworth for the support all week and pep talks…..oh and driving us here haha
Traci Freeman-Gaunt and Lucy Kate Osborne the rest of my agility family for always supporting me all the way ?
The GB management team Mark Laker, Hana McNicholas, Maria Johnston, Ruth MacGill, Becky Girlie Sargent Martin Cavill, Gina Sansom ღ for everything you do for us. It really was a great team of people this year ?
The GB team sponsors.
My Personal Sponsors, SWAG, Natural Instinct, Alison Pearce, Chris Kerton, Fit Paws you guys are amazing and I can’t thank you all enough for everything you do for me and Fame ?
Mandy Bainbridge for breeding me my perfect girl and always being there to support us ? Fame Loves you so much.I’m sure I’ve forgotten people but I’m hungover and on cloud 9 so I’m not surprised haha
Well done to gold and silver medalists Anne Lenz and Nicola Giraudi, your runs were stunning. And to the rest of team GB, I watched some great agility this week from all of you, I was very proud to be in the GB stand. Sian and Dan especially you had some amazing runs and your times were insane.
Now for the long drive home, reliving every second of both runs ???. Thanks everyone for the massive amount of support, messages, hugs, tears and belief in us when I didn’t always even have it myself. Your all the best.
Jennifer Crank, Swift (Second place, Medium Individual) – Facebook
Squeee…???!!!! Swift just had the 3rd fastest time with a clean run at the World Championships in individual medium jumping! Didn’t get a round placement as there was a tie for first so we finished 4th. So SUPER proud on my awesome blue boy!!
Max Sprinz, Bäxx – Facebook
World Championship 2018 in Sweden??
Germany had some real bad luck, but there will be better times again??
I am really proud of us!!! 3/4 clears and the best feeling ever to run in that atmosphere ??
That was the craziest experience i’ve ever made! For the first time ever Bäxx was overdrived (in the last run) and it ended up in some bad lines, wide turns, flying A-Frame. His head wanted so much, but the body could not cope with it. I’m so excited for his new found attitude and will try to catch it up ?__________________________
__________________________ _ I want to thank some people:
Nadine, for being with me here by my side. I love you ❤️
Ramona, for the funniest roadtrip ever and for being a true friend ?
Tobias, Daniel, Bozena, Ramona, Nadine for an amazing time ?
FloRaMiCaTo for your incredible support and our awesome toys ?
Cornelia for my (from now on “crazy”) soul-mate ?
Anja (Mama) for keeping Emma and being my rock since 18 years ?
Steffen (Papa) for coming to Sweden to be here with me ?
____________________________________________________ _ We will give it all to be at the most amazing Agility event again next year in Turku (Finnland) ??
Bozena Schröder, Cap & Puck – Facebook
“Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.”
Oder auch: Da hat man schon kein Glück und dann kommt auch noch Pech dazu.Da ist sie auch schon wieder vorbei, die WM 2018. Für mich ist es jedes Mal ein einzigartiges Erlebnis und erinnert mich immer wieder daran, warum ich das ganze überhaupt mache. Ich liebe die Atmosphäre, die Stimmung und das Gefühl bei so einer Veranstaltung zu laufen!
Meine beiden Hunde waren einfach GRANDIOS und ich bin so so so zufrieden mit ihrer Leistung!!
Fang ich mal mit Cap an. Ich habe so viel Arbeit, Geduld, Liebe, Frust und Tränen in diesen kleinen Hund gesteckt und was er an dieser WM abgeliefert hat, ist für mich der Wahnsinn. Die Teamläufe lief er (wie auf JEDER WM und EO, die ich bisher gelaufen bin) souverän fehlerfrei.
Doch anders als in den letzten Jahren konnten wir endlich auch mal den Individual Jumping fehlerfrei durchbringen!! Und wie! Platz 8 mit einer super Zeit in diesem starken Starterfeld! Er rannte jeden Lauf wie verrückt und ich hab mir sooo fest vorgenommen, einen genauso guten zweiten Lauf hinzubekommen. Leider scheinen unsere Einzelläufe vom Pech verfolgt zu sein und Cap sprang im A-Lauf parallel an einem Sprung vorbei, anstatt drüber – total verrückt!Zu Puck weiß ich gar nicht so richtig, was ich sagen soll ? Was hat dieser Hund mich schon Nerven gekostet! Er ist so speziell, verrückt und einfach besonders. Trotz der Atmosphäre (die ihm ja letztes Jahr noch zu schaffen machte) arbeitete er so souverän konzentriert und kompromisslos, dass wir alles hätten schaffen können! Er rannte wie der Teufel und jeder Lauf lief wie am Schnürchen. Fast, denn 3 mal passierte irgendeine dumme Kleinigkeit, auf die ich einfach nicht schnell genug reagieren konnte. Auch hier war das Glück irgendwie nicht auf meiner Seite.
So stolz wie ich auf die Leistung beider Hunde bin, so unzufrieden bin ich mit den Ergebnissen! Es hätte so viel mehr sein können!
So gratuliere ich (mal wieder) allen anderen zu ihren Titeln, besonders natürlich Tobias zum Vizeweltmeister, ich brauch ja nicht mehr zu dir sagen, oder? Danke! ?Danke an meine Teams, es hat super viel Spaß gemacht mit euch zu laufen!
Dann noch ein großes Dankeschön an Alexander Beitl, Uwe Dybski und Heike Kuhrt
Und ganz besonders an Simone Müller-Schnick und Marion Wickert, die geholfen haben, meine Hunde in diese top Form zu bringen!
Danke an meine Mama und an Carola, ich weiß, wie gut die anderen Hunde bei euch aufgehoben sind ?
Und schließlich noch an alle, die vor Ort und zuhause mitgefiebert und gejubelt haben, ohne euch würde es nur halb so viel Spaß machen!
Marta Miil, Jay (World Champion 2018, Small Team) – Facebook
✨?? AWC Individual Agility Small – Jay 7th place!!! ??✨
I hope that everyone who was cheering for me and who gave me support saw what they were hoping for ?
I am super proud of my smart little birdie! Some places here and there with lost time but come-on! ? I cannot ask for more, it felt simply awesome ?
Aaaaand together with that rescue-mission jumping run yesterday… – We ended up on 6th place in combined results!!! ?❤️? I cannot be more pleased.
Sandi Okanovic, Miya (Second place, Small Team) – Facebook
So AWC??2018 is over. It was an emotional rollercoaster for me and I believe for the whole small team. I am so proud to be a part of this team, and the main reason is that we never stop fighting ? Reward for that was a silver medal in teams ? Its like a gold to me.
Thank you all for supporting us and I hope we will be back next year in Finland. ?
Powered by Floramicato! Hvala ??
Alberto Marmo, Dhitta – Facebook (translated)
At the end of every important race I never know that writing .. often I do not write anything, although the result is good .. I think and think about it .. and nothing .. I understand .. it is not on fb I want to write something .. but but on the fields of competition .. it’s my world, my happy island, on the field I feel myself, even if for a few seconds I know that I am, unfortunately I never imagined that the time could come when in the field you go there ..a two steps .. I feel the people in the stands .. the smell of sweat .. I feel the collective anxiety of those who play something important … and cabbage if cero close .. after the second place in jumping, I knew that the impossible was a little more possible … there were less than ten dogs to me and it would be time to show what I can do ,,,,,,,, but .. look down, the blood on the leg of Dhitta … nn I could believe it, ,, I looked better … a broken nail at the root, nothing serious, but too annoying to be able to turn re .. I admit that the first thought was to find the way to compete anyway .. then I remembered a post of Roland a few days before the world that said so: “dogs do not run for the podium they run for you “…. and so here we are, to start from scratch to try again, with even more determination, and that bitter in the mouth that spurs you to do even better ..
I write this just for one reason … to not forget that there are more important things than victory .. and the health of our dogs is one of those ..
Thanks to all those who are interested in the health of Dhitta
Nicolas Renaud, Judge – Facebook
That, It’s done !
To judge world championships will have been my most incredible experience in agility and one of the best moments of my life.
One and a half year of preparation allowed me to make incredible meetings which made me evolve and so give the best of myself through these championships. Thank you Jenny, Zsofi, Lisa, Philipp, Tamás, Jan Egil, and all those who helped me and inspired everything during this year.
Big thanks at all the French fan which encouraged me and supported since the beginning. Come out steady gives wings and allows us to surpass ourselves. Special mention to Céline, Mél and all the Vertou Team.
A warm congratulations expecially to all the Swedish organization which was at the top. Special Thanks to Åsa and Kristina which were present throughout the competition and which have to assure that everything takes place marvelously on grounds.
Congratulations to all the French team who showed that she was there. The team medium won and we are proud of them … And France remains the country the most winning since creation of world championships.
Now and before closing this page, here is 5 key moments of this amazing weekend :
– The rise of the FCI flag during the opening ceremony. This moment just means “Let’s go!”
– The first whistle on each course. It was every time a magic moment. I hold my breath, I whistle and Go.
– The runs of Russian Team (Mike) on my agility was masterful. 4 perfects races which set fire in the arena and which permit an incredible ascent from the 22nd place to the 2nd place on the combine. It is so much deserved and that remains ” the moment ” of the weekend.
– The runs of French Team small (Clémentine, Karine, Nathalie) on Agility. It is a big pride to have seen you past on my course. Runs all in delicacy and a big Happy End with the jump of Julien‘s enjoyment for an wonderfull victory of this course.
– The final course individual Medium gave a headache to many competitors. Then Silvia Trkman shows the way with a great and dynamic conduct which warmed the atmosphere of the stadium. Chance will have been lacking few, but it deprives nothing of the quality of this team
A big congratulations to all champions. France wins in Medium team, Estonia in Small and Belgium in Large.
Natasha wins a hard battle in indiv Small, Martina resumes the title indiv Medium and Nicola dominates with 2 victories in both courses Large, a real exploit.
Thank you to my collegues Andreas, Magne and Tommy.
The level is more and more better and the challenge of the next championships already announces suspense. I wish one very great year of preparation to Sari and Toshiyuki who shall judge in Finland. Enjoy every moment and have so much fun as I had it.
Jenny Damm, Lilli & Ziv – Facebook
Today is another day in the agility world, it has started in the most beautiful way and we will see how it ends… Yesterday was exciting but also really frustrating. I really loved the agility course by Nicolas Renaud and I was thrilled to run it with both dogs. We have a good team spirit and we had a good position for the final.
I was also so super planned, super excited, super confident but still nervous in a good way. I had to get out pretty far in the start with Lilli and neither I nor Lilli are that patient in the start, so I had to trick my self and get out before the judge whistled, because then I know I will not break the start before I get out to the position I planned ? and it worked. Everything went according to plan and Lilli was fantastic. I got a little late in a blind cross after a tunnel but I had it under control and we were soon back on track again. Then we got closer to the end, I left Lilli in the turn before dog-walk and I wanted to be ahead, so I sprinted. When I looked at the dog walk no Lilli was there… and then I saw her on my right side, jumping. What a unpleasant surprise. My God, that was NOTHING I was even thinking about in the course walk. She was so tight in the turn and as I focused on running I probably lost her for a split of a second. And I think she didn’t hear my verbal command, plus that the dog walk was pretty far ahead and not right in her sight. Usually she’s ALWAYS looking for the dog walk, as she loves it so much. That’s my analysis why this misunderstanding happened. But most of all I just felt it was shit happens… and just really, really annoying. A small misunderstanding that costed us a lot. Ebba and Jazz unfortunately also got an off course after me and Jouni was clean with Neela. When it was my turn again with Ziv I really tried to focus and give everything, but I lost the energy in the very end and called her right before the jump, so she got a refusal. But it was hard to keep the same fighting spirit all the way. I also have to admit I was a bit tired after Nicolas high speed course..! ? But Ziv was also fantastic, she really did everything I asked for, my little feral, red headed coyote ?❤️
Oh, well… this is just what agility is about. So strong emotions, success and adversity in a nerv wrecking mix. I think I have been analyzing that stupid situation in Lilli’s run about 500 times by now and I will probably do it another 500 times later on. I am super duper annoyed and I want to turn back time. Just a look at her a split of a second earlier, and it would have been a totally different outcome. But that’s not possible of course. On the other hand I am so pleased with everything else. We gave EVERYTHING and we really enjoyed the course. I am also so happy to have two healthy dogs in good shape to run with. A year ago I was not even sure that Ziv was going to be able to run agility at all (for her breathing problems), she was pretty insecure in training/trials and I thought she was maybe going to do mostly herding. And now, here she has been a shining star in the World Championships in Sweden! When I think about that, I can only be proud and thankful. Shit happens (even though I hate when it happens) and now I will focus on Lilli and the individual runs. We will enjoy every meter and we will give everything again. And then we will see how this day ends… ??
#AptusProSport #AptusSverige #AptusSportX #LupusFoderAB#FourFriends #SmådjurshälsaniVinslöv #HästochHälsa #OutnOutSweden
Ina Himle, Wii – Facebook (translated)
Agility World Cup 2018!
I do not have words for this championship! Everyone who is tired of hearing how proud I am should scroll on. Little Wii, Little Wii! ❤
I have had goals / dreams for this season and this weekend everything was fulfilled! Goals to perform, show good agility, be precise, but not least that I have focus and work together with Wii throughout the course! Fight with the beak and claws to reach our dreams! ❤ The dream of getting better all the time, the dream of setting moments in a way we have never done before and the dream of a medal in the World Cup. In January, I started working with Eva Marie, with much, including I’ve read # WiiVMmedalje2018 every day since! Write it down and believe it! Without expecting anything during the World Cup this year, I’m so humble about being able to bring me a medal home. But not just a medal. We were allowed to stand on the top of the pallet, we can call us WORLDMESTS in spring 2018! The experience, the joy, the flow ❤ Even though I would like to see that we performed as well in the finals, it was a very unique experience to be allowed to start with the flag on the chest and Wii by my side ❤ I felt me so strong in this race as well as in all the others. I felt we had control, it was so easy. But unfortunately, I would say we had a little bad luck when my shoe feels in the grass, I’m falling and even though we’re getting well back in time, Wii gets out and insecure on the pitch. ? But all in all it’s actually just agility and I’m so incredibly happy that I’m allowed to do this with my very best friend!
We have run agility together with my idols, together with the world’s finest practitioners / traders, we have shown the world that we can also!
With blood on the tooth we are ready to do even more for more adventures! ❤
Thank you once again to all who help us along the way, and everyone who has supported us financially this year! This had NOT gone without you! ❤ And not least Thomas, for everything! Always there for us and have been running for miles this weekend to make sure the Wii was properly heated! You are gold! ❤To all who have congratulated us, THUS THANK YOU! I have not yet broken all messages / posts etc with you all the best! ? ?
Twist movie ?